Utterly amazing!
I gather that all the information you provided was at your fingertips, at the ready, off the top of your head, given me off the cuff. It never occurred to me that the detail I so blithely asked for was, well, that detailed. I'm going to devise a method of collating what all of you have kindly shown me. Obviously, you were well taught in school and have retained all the basics, and then some.
BTW, an elderly, former British agent of WWII is a neighbor and fellow writer. I was proofing his latest spy thriller and asked him what "grey flannels" were. Of course, they're trousers; if you respondents to my OP had heard me say, "Oh, you mean gray flannel pants," you'd probably have sniggered. But, you wouldn't have caught my US spelling of gray, however, unless you were listening very, very closely.
I can't thank you enough!